Clusters, Working Groups, Task Forces

Clusters, Working Groups, Task Forces

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Clusters, Working Groups & Task Forces

The rollout and smooth running of Una Europa at UCD is only made possible through the work of a supporting network of Clusters, Working Groups and Task Forces.

More than 20 UCD professionals from across the university are active members of these groups. Find out which of your colleagues are involved below.

For a complete overview of UCD involvement in Una Europa, explore the Una Europa at UCD (PDF) (up-to-date as of September 2024).

To contact a member of staff listed below, refer to the UCD Directory.



Clusters are groups of experts and experienced staff, drawn from academic and professional service departments across the 11 Una Europa partner institutes. Each Cluster focuses on a key operational area, e.g. mobility, research, teaching and learning. Clusters pave the way for long-term collaboration across borders for alliance partners.

Una Europa Cluster UCD representative on this Cluster UCD Unit 
Doctoral Training Cluster Emer Cunningham UCD Graduate Studies
Educational Design and Technology Cluster Leigh Wolf UCD Centre for Teaching & Learning
Legal Cluster Hazel Flynn UCD Legal
Mobility Cluster  Catherine Convery UCD Global
Quality Assurance Cluster Bronwyn Molony UCD Quality Assurance
Research Coordination Cluster Aine Moore UCD Research
Student Administration Cluster

Jill O'Mahony

Ryan Teevan

UCD Registry

IT Services

Teaching and Learning Cluster TBC   


Working Groups

Working groups are created around thematic interests of the professionals that take part in them, or by request from another body of the alliance. These groups have a specific scope and are not permanent.

Una Europa Working Group UCD representative on this Working Group UCD unit
Blockchain Working Group Akhilesh Sharma

IT Services

Erasmus+ Technical Group Ruth Mariani

UCD Global

Erasmus Without Paper Working Group Catherine Convery UCD Global

European Investment Pathway Working Group

Shauna Hughes UCD Global 
Microcredentials Working Group Marian O’Connor

Office of the Registrar

Professional Development Working Group Joyce McLoughlin Human Resources
Service Learning Working Group

Kathleen O’Reilly

Niamh Byrne McKenna

Theresa O’Leary

Quinn School of Business

UCD in the Community

UCD in the Community

Una Europa-Africa Working Group

Patrick Gibbons School of Agriculture and Food Science / Centre for Humanitarian Action
Una Europa-Latin America Working Group Mike Talbot UCD Global


Task Forces 

Una Europa has six ‘transversal themes’ that act as guiding principles for collaboration across the alliance. Each theme has a Task Force -- a group of professionals who provide advice and recommendations on the implementation of Una Europa activities. UCD has representatives on the following groups:

Una Europa Task Force

UCD representative

UCD unit

Diversity Council

Aoife Ahern



Marcellina Fogarty

College of Engineering & Architecture (Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)

Human Resources

International Task Force

Shauna Hughes

Eve Brosseau

UCD Global

Sustainability and Climate Protection Task Force

Nadia D’Alton 

UCD President’s Office (Una Europa Staff Ambassador)


EIT Culture & Creativity

EIT Culture & Creativity is a large-scale European partnership of public and private stakeholders forged to accelerate innovation in the cultural and creative sectors and industries. Una Europa is a core partner of the EIT Culture & Creativity, opening up opportunities for UCD through our alliance membership.

UCD representative for EIT Culture & Creativity UCD unit
Regina Uí Chollatáin College of Arts & Humanities

Justin Synnott

UCD Research

P.J. Mathews UCD Creative Futures Academy



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